Owning your own home can be a life-long dream for many people, but with ownership comes the responsibility to take care of it. A big problem many homeowners are dealing with right now is that fixing … [Read more...]
Fire Safety During the Holidays
The time for the annual winter holidays is on our doorstep. With that comes a lot of good cheer, celebrations, and spending quality time with your loved ones. Unfortunately, according to the National … [Read more...]
My Neighbor’s Tree Fell on My Garden Shed – Whose Insurance Pays?
Imagine you've been involved in a car accident. Insurance information gets exchanged and claims get filed, but how do insurance companies determine who pays for what? The simple answer is that it just … [Read more...]
Home Insurance Comparison Shopping
Are you looking for home insurance? Don’t settle on a policy until you’ve done some home insurance comparison shopping. It can be hard to know whether you’re getting the best deal. If you only look … [Read more...]
Beware of Storm Chasers
Wisconsin is no stranger to storms, and contrary to popular belief, it's not just the Winter weather we have to worry about. The Summertime brings its own threats, from tornadoes and wind to heavy … [Read more...]