Understanding the factors that determine your car insurance can be confusing at times. However, with clear knowledge, you can make informed decisions and potentially unlock significant savings. This … [Read more...]
Rising Home Repair Costs and How It Affects Your Insurance
Owning your own home can be a life-long dream for many people, but with ownership comes the responsibility to take care of it. A big problem many homeowners are dealing with right now is that fixing … [Read more...]
Fire Safety During the Holidays
The time for the annual winter holidays is on our doorstep. With that comes a lot of good cheer, celebrations, and spending quality time with your loved ones. Unfortunately, according to the National … [Read more...]
Tips for Teen Drivers
Ever since teenagers started driving, adults have told them what to do. It’s with good reason; teens are three times more likely to be in an accident before age 18 than a more experienced adult is. … [Read more...]
Flexible Underwriting – The Benefits of Working With An Independent Insurance Agent
Not all homeowners realize the differences between using a ‘captive’ insurance agent who only works for one specific company and an independent insurance agent who can look for the best deal from a … [Read more...]